Recruitment announcement

Recruitment through the recruitment system:


Recruitment announcement - within recruitment limits

Additional Recruitment announcement - within the project European Network to Empower Research on CAPacitors (ENERCAP)

Additional Recruitment announcement - within the project „Towards Networked Airborne Computing in Uncertain Airspace: A Control and Networking Facilitated Distributed Computing Framework”


Recruitment outside the recruitment system:

Additional Recruitment announcement - within the project "From waste to carbon materials" - NCN SONATA 19

Additional Recruitment announcement - within the project "Data-driven materials design: Artificial Intelligence as a tool supporting the synthesis of nanocomposites with hierarchical porosity for electrocatalytic applications" - OPUS 25

Additional Recruitment announcement - within the project "Mathematical modeling, analysis of dynamic properties, and fabrication of thermally-sprayed ceramic-metallic bulk composite materials" - OPUS 26

Additional Recruitment announcement - within the project "The role of microplastic-bound contaminants in the biosphere – sorption, desorption, and ecotoxicity" - PRELUDIUM BIS

Additional Recruitment announcement - within the project "Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites from methane with genetically engineered methanotrophs"" - SONATA BIS

Additional Recruitment announcement - within the project "Hierarchical carbons with in-pore adsorbed redox-active species as flow electrodes for batteries and hybrid energy storage" - OPUS 25