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Recruitment for the Student Organization EUNICE

Are you ready to take your university experience to the next level? Look no further than the
EUNICE Student Organization!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Polish or foreign student, what study level you’re on, or
what field of study you’re pursuing - everybody is welcome!

With OS EUNICE you can:

  • participate in exciting projects and events, such as Alliance Games, EUNICE Weeks, or
    EUNICE Mobility Awards,
  • travel - as an active member you have priority access to summer schools and other
  • showcase your skills as a graphic designer or copywriter,
  • meet and collaborate with other students from all over Europe,
  • earn points towards the Rector's scholarship for your activity,
  • have a real impact on shaping EUNICE and the European University framework,
  • bring your own ideas to life - we're open to your suggestions!

Recruitment for the Student Organization will take place during the Day of Student Organizations and Scientific Clubs (DOSiKN) on April 3, 2024, before the Grant Gala, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Lecture Center of the Poznan University of Technology, at the EUNICE stand.

We’re looking forward to meeting you soon!

Questions? Find us here:
