Before submitting the required documents, the doctoral student is obliged to complete:

  • an individual training program, i.e. obtain a pass in all subjects included in the doctoral training program (grades must be entered into the USOS system), 
  • a mandatory internship and required professional practical trainings.


We recommend that before submitting the doctoral dissertation, in accordance with Rector’s Ordinance No. 46 (RO/IX/46/2020), the author of the dissertation submits it in an editable version (file with the extension doc, docx, odt, rtf, tex), non-editable version (file with the extension pdf) to an administrative employee at the appropriate Faculty, indicated by the Chairperson of the Discipline Council, who will send the dissertation for checking in the Uniform Anti-plagiarism System (JSA).

Required documents:

  • doctoral dissertation in paper (in paperback) and electronic form (.pdf file sent to or link to the cloud where the dissertation file is located),

in the case when:

- the doctoral dissertation has been prepared in accordance with the most recent submitted Individual Research Plan (IRP) in the Doctoral School, and only the planned title of the dissertation* has been slightly modified, a statement should be submitted

- during the preparation of the doctoral dissertation, both its title* and the implemented Individual Research Plan (IRP) were modified, a modified IRP should be submitted (according to the Regulations of the Doctoral School of PUT § 12, par. 6: "In justified cases, after mid-term assessment, one-time modification of individual research plan agreed with the supervisor or supervisors and approved by the auxiliary supervisor (if applicable) as well as accepted by the appropriated Coordinator within the discipline is possible.")

  • positive opinion of the supervisor or supervisors,
  • annual report,
  • final report for the Ministry (for participants in "Doktorat Wdrożeniowy"),
  • application for education completion certificate (application template is available in the DOCUMENTS TO DOWNLOAD tab,
  • doctoral ID card.


*In the case of participants in "Doktorat Wdrożeniowy", any modification of the doctoral dissertation title (and IRP), in accordance with the Program's conditions, must be approved by the Ministry.


According to Rector’s Ordinance No. 43 of October 27, 2021.
§ 6 sec. 2 The deactivation of the eAccount and the corresponding primary e-mail address ( takes place:
b) in the case of doctoral students - 3 months after the termination of their doctoral student status (i.e. from the moment of submitting the doctoral dissertation to the Doctoral School office). 


Questionnaire of Doctoral School Graduate - we kindly invite you to complete the Questionnaire of Poznan University of Technology Doctoral School Graduate:

key: put-j4s-584


The procedure for awarding a doctoral degree at Poznan University of Technology is carried out at the appropriated Faculty.