1. In the event of a conflict situation, a doctoral student*,** may ask for help from the Chairperson/member of the appropriate Faculty Doctoral Student Council (WRD), who attempts to solve the problem. If necessary, the WRD Chairperson/member may request support from the Coordinator of the relevant discipline.

2. A doctoral student or an employee of Poznan University of Technology (PUT), in the event of a conflict situation, may report this fact (in writing) to the Administrative Head of the PUT Doctoral School.

3. The Administrative Head of the Doctoral School, after the mid-term assessment procedure is completed, is obliged to identify potential conflict situations based on the information contained in the form for assessing the quality of scientific supervision and support in conducting scientific activity.

4. Depending on the type of situation, the information obtained by the Administrative Head is transferred to the Equality Ombudsman acting at the PUT or to the Director of the Doctoral School. In the case of matters beyond the competence of the above-mentioned Ombudsman, the Administrative Head together with the Director of the Doctoral School attempt to resolve the conflict or appoint a committee consisting of a representative of the Doctoral School and a member of the Scientific Council of the Doctoral School and, at the request of any of the parties to the conflict, a representative of doctoral students indicated by the Doctoral Student Council of PUT.

5. The Administrative Head and the Director of the Doctoral School, or an appointed committee, organize a meeting with the parties in order to determine and explain the causes of the conflict and take actions aimed at finding a solution to the existing situation. Minutes are drawn up over the course of the meeting and, after their content is agreed on, they are signed by all persons present at the meeting.

6. If it is impossible to agree on how to resolve the conflict, the Administrative Head or the committee may refer a request to the appropriate University Disciplinary Committee to consider the case.

* The doctoral student has the right to report the case to the Ombudsman for Doctoral Students, operating at the National Representation of Doctoral Students: rzecznik(at)

** The doctoral student has the right to report the case to the Equality Ombudsman through the Equality Department: dzial.rownosci(at)