General information
Under the task 8 of the INPUTDoc Project which is co-financed by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) within the STER Programme “Internationalisation of doctoral schools”, it is planned to create an online lecture platform where lectures prepared by universities from the EUNICE will be available.
The joint educational offer includes the 3 partner universities: Poznan University of Technology (PUT) – Poland, University of Cantabria (UC) – Spain, University of Catania (UNICT) – Italy and it is intended for doctoral students. The offer will be available in the summer semester of 2023/2024. Each course is created by the teacher(s) from one university referred to as the coordinating university.
Course selection criteria
Academic calendar: summer semester, February 1st – June 30th.
Number of courses: 3 courses from PUT, 2 courses from UC and 4 courses from UNICT
Teaching modality: online courses only, Moodle platform, self-study (asynchronous) and consultation meetings (synchronous)
Teaching material: recorded sessions and others (it depends on the decision of lecturer, e.g. slides presentation, readings, recordings)
ECTS: 1 (25hrs)
Study level: PhD
Limit of participants: the number of participants is limited to 30 (10 per university). Application does not guarantee enrolment in the course.
Assessment methods and criteria: any, it depends on the decision of lecturer.
Enrolment rules
The order of applications is decisive (the rule: first come, first served). The application of a person who has already passed the course which is the part of the offer (e.g. in another year of education) will be rejected.
Registration for course will start approximately 1 month before the classes start. Your home university will inform you whether you have been accepted. Then, your account on the Moodle platform will be created.
After the successful completion of the course, the university organizing the course should make sure to provide a certificate of attendance/participation to the doctoral students. The certificates are sent to the participant's e-mail address.
Satisfaction survey
All courses will be assessed. The opportunity to complete the satisfaction survey will be available until June 30, 2024.