Series of lectures - winter semester 2024/2025, III year


architecture and urban planningParticipatory planning paradigm in city regenerationdr hab. inż. arch. Dominika Pazder, prof. PP
automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologiesSelected problems in simultaneous localization and mappingprof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Skrzypczyński
information and communication technologyA theoretical perspective on machine learningdr hab. inż. Wojciech Kotłowski, prof. PP
civil engineering, geodesy and transportTowards green tribology: development of new lubricants and materials for sustinable engineeringdr hab. inż. Łukasz Wojciechowski, prof. PP
materials engineeringPhysical Methods for Biological Membranes Researchdr hab. inż. Łukasz Piątkowski, prof. PP
mechanical engineeringMultiscale metrologyprof. Christopher Brown
environmental engineering, mining and energyBiofuels and Bioresourcesdr hab. inż. Izabela Czekaj, prof. PK
chemical sciencesBioavailability of xenobiotics - environmental and toxicological aspectsdr hab. inż. Wojciech Smułek
management and quality studiesChallenges in the ​​logistics, production and supply chain management in circular economy business models - from theory to practicedr hab. inż. Paulina Golińska-Dawson, prof. PP