STER - Mobilność V / Mobility V - 2024

“Mobility V” (April, 2024)
the fifth edition of the “Mobility” competition under the INPUTDoc project


We look back at the fourth edition of the Mobility competition carried out at the Doctoral School of Poznan University of Technology within the INPUTDoc project co-financed by the NAWA National Agency for Academic Exchange within the STER Programme

Ogłoszenie beneficjentów konkursu / Announcement of competition beneficiaries

Aniśko JoannaInnoRenew CoE - InnoRenew CoE Renewable Materials and Healthy Environments Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence, Slovenia
Antos JoannaCharles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Czech Republic
Badzińska WeronikaUniversity of Technology Sydney, the Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Australia
Kamgar ElhamUniversité de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physical Chemistry for the Environment and Materials (IPREM), France
Lester AgnieszkaEberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Germany
Mieloch SzymonHochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty 1, School of Engineering – Energy and Information, Germany
Mohammadi Mohammad MahdiSwiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa), Urban Energy System Laboratory, Switzerland
Sójka DamianENSTA, Computer Science and Systems Engineering Laboratory, France
Klempka Marcinreserve list
Kubiak Joannareserve list
Movafagh Saharreserve list


Ogłoszenie o rekrutacji / Recruitment announcement

Basic information

  • Under the “Mobility V” edition, eight visiting scholarships for a 3-month-long foreign research internship each are offered to doctoral students of PUT Doctoral School.
  • The INPUTDoc project provides a visiting scholarship that includes funds for cost of stay (accommodation and meals) and travel expenses (flat-rate) according to the Regulations of the “Mobility” competition and NAWA regulations.
  • The research internship must be completed at a foreign university or research institution located in an OECD country.
  • The assessment of applications under the "Mobility" competition in the INPUTDoc project will be carried out by the International Qualification Committee.
  • Applications submitted under the "Mobility" competition will be assessed according to the criteria set out in Appendix 1 to Regulations of the “Mobility” competition.
  • More details can be found in the Regulations of the “Mobility” competition (English, Polish).


Deadlines and submission procedure

  • The internship granted in the “Mobility V” competition should be ending by December 31, 2024.
  • The application (Appendix 2 to Regulations of the “Mobility” competition) submission deadline is April 5, 2024, 10.00 a.m.
  • An integral part of a doctoral student's application is a document specifying the research project proposed for the “Mobility” internship (Appendix 2, point 4) signed by the mentor from the host institution and the doctoral student's supervisor or supervisors.
  • The application should be delivered to the Office of the Doctoral School, ul. Piotrowo 3 (room 604), 60-965 Poznan in hard copy as well as sent by email to address:
  • The application sent by email should be in a form of a pdf file; documents in the form of photo or image files will not be accepted.
  • Applications which are incomplete or submitted after the deadline will not be subject to evaluation.