On September 2-6, 2024 took place second edition of the "Summer School on Applied and Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence" within the INPUTDoc project co-financed by the NAWA National Agency for Academic Exchange within the STER Programme.
The opening lecture of the Summer School was given by Prof. Vir V. Phoha from Syracuse University (USA).
Summer School was attended by doctoral students of the PUT Doctoral School and foreign universities: Brandenburg University of Technology, University of Cantabria, University of Vaasa, University of Huddersfield, University of Bozen-Bolzano, Sapienza University of Rome, Charles University, University of Peloponnese, University of Klagenfurt.
Recruitment for the Summer School on Applied and Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence 2024 co-funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange under the STER programme, which will take place on 02-06.09.2024, has started.
Registration continues until August 18, 2024
Our summer school is aimed at doctoral students conducting research in all scientific disciplines (except computer science!). We especially welcome those representing the humanities, social sciences, life sciences and artistic fields.
Our main goal is to de-mythologize artificial intelligence and present, in a clear, simple and accessible way, what tools and methods are available today. We want to show you how AI and machine learning can help you in your research.
Information about the previous edition of the Summer School can be found here