The Bekker NAWA Programme
The aim of the Programme is to support the international mobility of PhD students, scientists and academic teachers in pursuit of scientific excellence by enabling them to conduct their research in renowned foreign institutions around the world.
The Programme is open to PhD students and scientists representing all fields and disciplines of science as well as artistic disciplines. There are also no restrictions regarding countries where the Host Institutions are located.
Research fellowships (3 to 24 months) shall allow scientists to stay in recognized research centres and to implement the Projects together with eminent foreign scientists and scientific teams as well as establish long-term relationship with foreign scientific teams. For young scientists, the Bekker Programme will be also an opportunity for postdoctoral fellowships while for PhD students it can be the part of their education.
The Ulam NAWA Programme
The aim of the Ulam Programme is to increase the internationalisation of Polish institutions of science and higher education. The Programme will allow both recognised and promising scientists who hold at least a doctoral degree, to visit Poland in order to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and to participate in their scientific activities, primarily research projects and didactics. The Programme will allow to invite scientists regardless of their age, from all around the world and representing all fields of science, including Polish scientists working permanently abroad (they may constitute a maximum of 10% of Fellows in the call). HEIs, scientific and research institutes will have the opportunity to invite specialists from their priority areas to Poland – they will make a significant contribution to the research conducted by a given institution, strengthen didactics or support the institution in applying for prestigious grants.
The main objective of the CEEPUS Agreement (“Central European Exchange Program for University Studies”) is to support academic exchange in the field of education and professional development of students and academic teachers. It enables intensification of contacts between universities of the countries which are parties to the Agreement by financing academic mobility.
The CEEPUS program offers:
- short-term scholarships as part of research internships within the Academic Networks;
- short-term scholarships as part of the „Freemover” research internships;
- short-term scholarships as part of summer schools and intensive courses.
The following can apply for foreign scholarships under CEEPUS:
- students,
- PhD students,
- research workers.
The Iwanowska Programme
The objective of the Programme is to promote international mobility of doctoral students by enabling them to acquire scientific experience in foreign research and academic centres, establish international scientific cooperation and implement a part of their doctoral degree programme in foreign units.