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We cordially invite all PhD students whose research area is related to chemistry and chemical technology to a 4-day workshop on green chemistry and sustainability.

By participating in workshops, 1st, 2nd and 3rd year PhD students will be able to obtain credit for the subject "Development prospects and new scientific trends" in the first year and "New scientific trends and development prospects" in the second and third year, respectively.

The workshop will be held on October 23–26 at Poznan University of Technology. The workshop will be conducted in English by lecturers from Worcester State University (USA):  Dr. Meghna Dilip and Dr. Margaret E. Kerr. For more information on the topics of the workshop and the Presenters, please see the attached brochure.To participate in the workshop, please fill the application form available in with the following details: name, surname, type and field of study, e-mail address for contact.

The workshops will held in lecture room L051 (Lecture Centre, Piotrowo 2). Start at 16.50.

NOTE! The number of places is limited to 60 and the possibility of participation is determined by the order of applications!
