Data dodania

participation in the REUNICE certification program at the at the EUNICE partner university in Sicily

You are invited to participate in a certification programme at the EUNICE partner university in beautiful Sicily.

Open call for the REUNICE certification programme - Sustainability management (in public institutions and private companies) for Doctoral School participants.

The aim of the programme is to introduce the basic concepts of sustainability in different dimensions (social, environmental, economic) and concepts leading to the implementation of sustainability in public organisations and private companies.

The course will focus on the role of public strategies in achieving the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030, highlighting their links with private interests and society. Experts will present a number of case studies related to this issue.

The programme will be delivered in a hybrid mode (3 weeks online + 1 week on-site). The onsite week will take place from 16-20 September 2024 in Catania, Italy.

More details here.
