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Webinar Enhancing Higher Education through EMI: core areas and challenges

Dear PhD Students,

We are pleased to invite you to the webinar Enhancing Higher Education through EMI: core areas and challenges, organized by the CercleS Focus Group EMI in Higher Education.

đź“…Date: April 9, 2025  
đź•’Time: 10.00-14:30 CET 
đź“ŤOnline - Zoom - link together with a detailed programme to be provided shortly before the event 

This webinar will explore key areas and challenges of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) in higher education, offering insights from experts and practitioners in the field. It will be an excellent opportunity to engage in discussions, share experience, and gain new perspectives.  
To register, please use the following link

For more details, please find the flyer attached. We look forward to your participation!  

Best regards,  
On behalf of the CercleS Focus Group EMI in Higher Education (CercleS),
Katarzyna Matuszak and Edyta Olejarczuk

