STER - Szkolenia / Trainings
STER - Szkolenia / Trainings

Task 5. Trainings focused on developing skills relevant for international cooperation


The task concerns organization of training courses to develop competences of PhD students and staff participating in the Project. Trainings under this task will focus on areas such as: i)scientist networking and self-presentation, and ii) coping with stress in a multicultural environment. These trainings will consist of both theoretical and practical workshops.and will be carried out in the academic year 2022/23, in the winter and summer semesters, respectively, and then repeated for subsequent groups in the academic year 2023/24. Before and after each session tests related to subject of training will be carried out.

The proposed trainings will focus on:

  • breaking down barriers in contacts in a multicultural environment,
  • coping with stress (this may apply to a foreign PhD students at PUT and PhD students from Poland taking an internship abroad),
  • showing ways of initiating and developing a network of cooperation in scientific community (in particular international contacts),
  • proper preparation of self-presentation (this may of help while undertaking international cooperation and activities).

In this task, each PhD student and member of staff participating in the Project can be a potential beneficiary.