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EUNICE workshops for Ph.D. students

EUNICE European University offers industrial Ph.D. workshops for companies, universities and research 

The workshops are taking place from 5th to 7th October in Italy and will be hosted by our partner institution -University of Catania. 

Between 5th and 7th October, the University of Catania (UNICT – Italy), in collaboration with the University of Mons (UMONS – Belgium), will host three workshops involving representatives of the seven partner universities -including EUNICE staff, lecturers, researchers and Ph.D. students-, representatives of companies and industrial enterprises, and institutional representatives.

This initiative aims to share industrial Ph.D. opportunities within EUNICE, gain experience on industrial Ph.D. projects -needs and interests of companies and Elevator Pitch of Ph.D. students- and initiate new collaborations between researchers to start joint projects with industry.

The first workshop, entitled “Industry-driven Education”, is spread over two days. The first day will be focused on building a solid expertise/experience in industry-driven Ph.D. opportunities within EUNICE and an effective advisory and counseling process on industry-driven Ph.D. The second day will offer the participants the opportunity to meet other actors in the same field and to get an international overview and inspiration, to become part of a large European network, to be inspired by how other countries address their innovation needs, to get creative ideas on how to attract high-level profiles to the company.

Participants in the first workshop will be companies, Ph.D. students, experts/representatives in industrial Ph.D. programmes and EUNICE staff (members of Work Package 5 team).

The second workshop, co-organised by UNICT and UMONS and entitled “Knowledge Triangle”, will allow the dynamics of EUNICE to be experienced with other research actors: science (Materials Science and Energy) and joint projects to be funded are discussed.

Specifically, the third day will include two simultaneous workshops, one for researchers –a representative on the theme ‘Materials’, a representative on the theme ‘Energy’, a representative on industrial Ph.D. programmes- and the other one for EUNICE staff members working on Work Package 5.

There is a possibility of remote participation in the workshops. We encourage you to register via the form HERE

The European University EUNICE workshops on behalf of PUT are organized by PUT professor Magdalena Regel-Rosocka, D.Sc. Eng. 
We encourage to take a look at the detailed program on the following webpage.
