Trainings – Module II, second edition


The second edition of the “Trainings – Module II” under the INPUTDoc project in the summer semester of academic year 2023/2024

Basic information / Program

  • The aim of “Trainings focused on developing skills relevant for international cooperation” is to raise (shape and develop) competences and soft skills relevant to international cooperation in the creation of scientific networks, as well as establishing and maintaining professional relations.
  • Module II – “Coping with stress in multicultural environment” is offered in the summer semester of academic year 2023/2024.
  • Module II will be composed of two parts: 1) theoretical introduction (6h, in person/online), 2) practical workshops (2h, in person, for 3 groups, each up to 12 people).
  • Specific objectives of the training include: stress - introduction (sources and triggers of stress, outcome of stress), coping with difficulties, preventing unwanted behaviours and situations, new challenges and duties in intercultural university.
  • The training will be run by a professional training coach and take place at Poznan University of Technology.
  • The training will be conducted in English.
  • The participants (beneficiaries) of the “Trainings” can be: 1) doctoral students of PUT Doctoral School, 2) academic and office staff of PUT.
  • Participation in the “Trainings” is free of charge.
  • Participants who have completed both parts of Module will receive a certificate.

Deadlines and recruitment procedure

  • Applications, i.e. completed Appendix 1 (English, Polish) and Appendix 2 (English, Polish) for the “Trainings – Module II, second edition” should be sent by email to address: until April 14, 2024.
  • “Trainings – Module II, second edition” is scheduled between May 09-10, 2024.
  • The recruitment for “Trainings – Module II second edition” will be carried out by Evaluation Committee.
  • In case of a greater interest in the training, the "theoretical introduction" part of the Module can be run online.
  • More details can be found in the Regulations of the “Trainings” (English, Polish).


May 09, 2024

  • theoretical introduction: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM, room L121 (Lecture Center, Piotrowo 2)

May 10, 2024

Attention! Change of room!

  • practical workshops group I: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM, room L053 (Lecture Center, Piotrowo 2)
  • practical workshops group II: 11:45 AM - 01:15 PM, room L053 (Lecture Center, Piotrowo 2)
  • practical workshops group III: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM, room L053 (Lecture Center, Piotrowo 2)