Blok wykładowy - semestr zimowy 2024/2025, II rok kształcenia

architecture and urban planning

Participatory planning paradigm in city regeneration (4 hours)

dr hab. inż. arch. Dominika Pazder, prof. PP

architecture and urban planning

Perception psychology (8 hours)

dr hab. inż. arch. Marta Pieczara

automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies

Selected problems in simultaneous localization and mapping (4 hours)

prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Skrzypczyński

automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies

Data driven control systems - concepts, methods and applications (8 hours)

dr hab. inż. Stefan Brock, prof. PP

information and communication technology

A theoretical perspective on machine learning (4 hours)

dr hab. inż. Wojciech Kotłowski, prof. PP

information and communication technology

Advanced DSP techniques for wireless communication (8 hours)

prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wesołowski

civil engineering, geodesy and transport

Towards green tribology: development of new lubricants and materials for sustinable engineering (4 hours)

dr hab. inż. Łukasz Wojciechowski, prof. PP

civil engineering, geodesy and transport

Selected aspects of mechanics and stability of cold-formed steel structures (8 hours)

prof. dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Rzeszut

materials engineering

Physical Methods for Biological Membranes Research (4 hours)

dr hab. inż. Łukasz Piątkowski, prof. PP

materials engineering

Bionanomaterials from traditional to future application perspectives (8 hours)

dr hab. inż. Andrzej Miklaszewski, prof. PP

mechanical engineering

Multiscale metrology (4 hours)

prof. Christopher Brown

mechanical engineering

Processing of polymeric materials (8 hours)

dr hab. inż. Marek Szostak, prof. PP

environmental engineering, mining and energy

Biofuels and Bioresources (4 hours)

dr hab. inż. Izabela Czekaj, prof. PK

environmental engineering, mining and energy

Renewable heat of the ground in energy - efficient ventilation systems (8 hours)

dr hab. inż. Łukasz Amanowicz, prof. PP

chemical sciences

Bioavailability of xenobiotics - environmental and toxicological aspects (4 hours)

dr hab. inż. Wojciech Smułek

chemical sciences

"Redox or non-redox… That is the question" - towards understanding electrochemistry and energy conversion/storage processes (8 hours)

dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Fic, prof. PP

management and quality studies

Challenges in the ​​logistics, production and supply chain management in circular economy business models - from theory to practice (4 hours)

dr hab. inż. Paulina Golińska-Dawson, prof. PP

management and quality studies

Decision Aiding for Engineering and Management (8 hours)

dr hab. inż. Jacek Żak, prof. PP